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Canoe Plans Free to download

Canoe Plans Free to download. The lightweight narrow boat known as canoe. Its typically open on top and pointed at both ends. Canoe propelled by one or more seated paddlers facing the direction of travel using a single-bladed paddle. In the United Kingdom and any European countries,  the term canoe is often used for both canoes and kayaks.

Canoes are used for freestyle, whitewater canoeing, racing, camping and touring and general recreation. Historically, kayaks or canoes made of bark on a wood frame, but construction materials evolved to canvas on a wood frame, then to aluminum. Meanwhile the  modern canoes are made of composites such as fiberglass or molded plastic. Until the mid-1800s the canoe was an important means of transport for trade and exploration, but then transitioned to sporting or recreational use.
Since 1936, canoeing has been part of the Olympics. In places where the canoe played a key role in history, such as Canada, the northern United States and New Zealand, the canoe remains an important theme in popular culture.

Kayaks or canoes can be adapted to many purposes, for example with the addition of outboard motors, sails and outriggers.

Materials of Modern canoe

Plastic : Royalex is a composite material, comprising an inner layer of ABS foam and an outer layer of vinyl and hard acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic (ABS) , bonded by heat treatment. Royalex lighter as a canoe material is more rigid, more resistant to UV damage, and compared with non-composite plastics such as polyethylene, it has greater structural memory.

Another canoe materials are Fiberglass, it is the most common material used in manufacturing canoes.This materials can be molded to any shape, not expensive and is easy to repair.

Polycarbonate : Lexan is used in transparent canoes.

Before the fiberglass, aluminum was the standard choice for whitewater canoeing. Aluminum is good value and very strong by weight.

: These contain no rigid frame members and can be folded, deflated and stored in a bag.

More information about canoe plans and over than 500 boat plans...

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